Just Shoot

  • Fast check-in kiosks
  • Purpose-built public access range
  • State-of-the-art Meggit training systems

Good Shooting!  You’re ready for the range.

Range Prices

Additional Guest: $12/hr.
(Maximum 3 people per lane.)

Range Hours

MON – FRI: 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
SATURDAY: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
SUNDAY: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

About Our Shooting Range

We are Middlesex County’s only public shooting range. With 15 lanes at 25 yards and state of the art equipment, come on by with your handguns up to .45 caliber and rifles up to .308. Our range is fully handicapped accessible and we allow up to 3 people per lane. We welcome guests 10 years old and up accompanied with a parent/guardian.

More About The Range

Attend our Beginner or IntermediateTraining Courses

Book a private lesson with one of our instructors, take an introduction to firearms class, take an NRA certified class, and so much more.

Start Now

Join The Recoil Family With AMembership

Recoil Memberships include unlimited range visits, 5 free guest passes, 10% off classes. We offer options that appeal to just about everyone!

Join Now

Gift an experience with RECOILGift Cards

Recoil Gift Cards are perfect gift for any family member or friend, and apply for all Services offered in our facility.

Learn More


Range Safety Rules

Children must be at least 10 years old to shoot. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who will sign a waiver and stay with them at all times.

  1. Keep your firearm pointed down range at all times
  2. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire
  3. Keep your firearm unloaded until you are ready to shoot
  4. Never handle a firearm unless you are on the firing line
  5. Always unload the firearm before changing shooters
  6. All firearms must be uncased in the shooting booth
  7. Never cross the firing line for any reason
  8. Maximum of three people per lane
  9. Two people in the booth at the same time
  10. Eye and ear protection required at all times
  11. No rapid fire
  12. No drawing from a holster
  13. Notify a RSO if you have an ammunition or firearm malfunction
All Rules

Sign up for U.S. LawShield

U.S. Law Shield

From start to finish – including appeals – your independent Program Attorney is there to defend you. No Caps. No Limits on attorney time. ZERO attorneys’ fees.

As a part of your membership, you can call and speak with an attorney during normal business hours and get your self-defense questions answered at no charge.

Become a Platinum Plus Member today with our promo code “RecoilNJ”. Your rate will never increase and if you purchase their annual plan you will receive two additional months for FREE.

Sign up today